Santa Clara County Online Property Profile

Welcome to Santa Clara County Department of Planning and Development's Online Property Profile application. Property Profile is designed to provide the public with useful information about a parcel's location and jurisdiction, General Plan designation, Zoning, and other data of interest. This system utilizes GIS to generate a report of the information relevant to a queried property. Use the search bar above to generate a report one of two ways:
- Enter the assessor's parcel number (APN) of the property of interest. APNs consist of a series of eight numbers separated by dashes, e.g. 123-45-678. APNs can be determined through the Santa Clara County Assessor's Office Property Assessment Information System. Visit the assessor's website for more information or contact their office at (408) 299-5500.
- Enter the street address of the property. The search mechanism utilizes wildcards so "GREEN AV" would return results for "GREEN AV", "GREENLEY AV", "GREENFIELD AV", etc. For best results, less is more. A street name must be provided.